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Workplace Wellness; the non-negotiable game-changer of any organization

Time and again, narratives of the past have proven that there is nothing worthy enough in the world that can be traded with your health and well-being. The covid-19 pandemic marks a reassurance to this very statement. That said, workspaces are your second home, it’s where the majority of the population spends most of their time. To get on par with the economic crisis that the pandemic caused, most workspaces are causing an immense deal of burnout to their employees totally unaware that pushing your employees beyond their respective limitations will only lead to the downfall of their organization.

NOW, is the appropriate time to introduce, indulge and imbibe the concept of Workplace Wellness in organizations.

One might still wonder what’s all the fuss behind “Workplace Wellness”, what it truly means, and if giving it precedence would make a notable difference to your organization. Let’s get this straight once and for all.

Your employees are your assets. They form the foundational blocks of everything that forms and surrounds a workspace. The rise and fall of any organization merely rest in their hands. Workplace wellness is a culture that prioritizes, guards, and keeps an eye on your employees’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It constitutes a set of elements like water, nourishment, air, lighting, movement, thermal comfort, materials, sound, mind, innovation, and community that are to be duly considered in contributing to an employee’s wellness. Any organization striving to bring these elements into play inevitably produces healthy employees. And what do healthy employees do?

They have the true potential to demonstrate unprecedented transformations in workspaces. Healthy employees go about boosting productivity and efficiency while creating a positive impact on the work atmosphere. They also avoid absenteeism, bring in a learning-unlearning attitude, and reduce healthcare costs to a large extent. With healthy employees, your organization is unquestionably headed in the right direction.

Clearly, workspaces need to promote Workplace Wellness to prevail and triumph.


Setting in this culture can be unanticipated and viewed with reluctance by your employees due to the social stigma that arises while dealing with any health issue. Nevertheless, this aspect can be promoted in two ways, one of which comes within our scope and the other is to be dealt with at the higher end of every organization.

On viewing the former, managers can inculcate a culture of care by setting strong work-life boundaries and regularly assessing job designs and flow. Everyday meetings, can be encouraged to boost morale and provide a platform for uninhibited conversations. Individual counseling, peer group workshops, and activities at regular intervals help keep a close watch on the health behavior of your employees.

On viewing the latter, which is our strong suit is the Workplace Design and Building. At Exotic Innovations, workplaces are erected keeping employees in essence. Our designs evoke a human-centric ambiance and position biophilic elements to foster serenity in the workplace. Every space is enriched with optimal lighting and fresh air to ensure your psychological well-being is met. The employees are provided with ergonomic seating to improve blood circulation and refrain them from wrong postures. Rejuvenating and comfortable areas are installed for exercise, meditation, and games to encourage breaks and bring about more focused work.

To conclude, Workplace Wellness helps you revisit your company’s values and set them right. The benefits of looking after your employees outweigh all other needs skyrocketing your workspaces to higher platforms. This is a pressing priority that transcends just your workspace and calls for action!

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